FAQs about getting a fence permit in Franklin County, Ohio
This article covers how to get a permit for building a fence in the unincorporated areas of Franklin County, Ohio. Please note that we will try to keep this information up to date but we do not represent Franklin County.
Who issues fence permits in Franklin County Ohio?
Fence and other building permits are issued by the Economic Development and Planning Department of the Franklin County Board of Commissioners.
Who files for a fence permit in Franklin County Ohio?
You file for a fence permit at the Franklin County Economic Development and Planning Department if you live in an unincorporated area of Franklin County.
The planning and zoning department is responsible for all zoning, code enforcement and land-use planning activities in the unincorporated area of Franklin County. The Economic Development and Planning Department administers county zoning for ten of the seventeen townships in Franklin County: Brown, Clinton, Franklin, Hamilton, Madison, Mifflin, Norwich, Pleasant, Sharon and Truro Townships. The townships of Blendon, Jackson, Jefferson, Perry, Plain, Prairie and Washington administer their own zoning.
If you live in Columbus or one of the many other incorporated areas of Franklin County you will need to obtain a fence permit in that jurisdiciton.
How to get a fence permit in Franklin County Ohio?
Visit the Online Permit Center or visit the Franklin County Building Department at: 142 S. Front St, Columbus, OH 43215. Schedule an appointment in advance to visit the Building Department by calling 614-525-3166.
See the Application for a Residential Fence Permit.
How much does it cost to get a fence permit in Franklin Couinty Ohio?
The fee for a fence permit is $25. You can pay online using the Online Permit Center. See the fee schedule.
Franklin County Ohio Fence Rules
The following is the main section regarding fences from the Franklin County Ohio Zoning Code. Please note additional fencing regulations for commercial and other specific applications can be found in other sections of the Zoning Code.
501.01 – FENCES, WALLS AND LANDSCAPING – Fences, walls, and landscaping shall be permitted in any required yard, or along the edge of any yard, subject to the following requirements:
501.012 – Height – No fence or wall between a street and a principal structure shall be more than three and one half (3½) feet (42 inches) in height. Elsewhere, no fence shall exceed six (6) feet in height. These height requirements are subject to the following exceptions:
a) Requirements outlined in SECTION 521, ARTICLE V, REQUIRED SCREENING, or
b) Requirements in accordance with an approved Development Plan of a Planned Development District.
501.014 – Location, Measurement and Maintenance
a) No fence or wall shall be located within an existing right-of-way.
b) Fence height shall be measured from the finished grade at the higher side of the fence.
c) Fences shall be erected with the finished side out; meaning the side of the fence with the posts on it must face the applicant’s property.
d) Fencing must be properly maintained and in good repair at all times.
501.016 – Certificate of Zoning Compliance required – No fence shall be erected without a zoning certificate as provided for in SECTION 705.02 – CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE.
501.018 – Repair of Existing Fences – For minor fence repair, if the fence meets all the requirements of Section 501 and the materials, height and location do not vary from the materials, height and location of the fence being repaired, a zoning certificate is not required.
501.020 – Swimming Pool fences – All swimming pools must be completely enclosed by a fence. The fence height shall be a minimum of four (4) feet (48 inches) in height as required by the 2006 International Building Code.
501.022 – Tennis Court fences – In the event of a conflict between this Section 501.020 and any other requirement of SECTION 501 FENCE REQUIREMENTS, this Section 501.020 shall control. All tennis courts must comply with the following requirements.
a) Tennis courts must have a fence along each end, with a minimum height of eight (8) feet with a maximum height of ten (10) feet.
b) Any other fence associated with a tennis court shall comply with the provisions of Section 501
501.024 – Fence Materials – All fences, regardless of whether or not a zoning certificate is required for their construction, that are constructed, repaired, expanded, or enlarged, shall be constructed only of approved fence materials. Fence materials are also subject to the requirements of Section 501.013.
a) Approved fence materials shall consist of materials normally manufactured for, used as, and
recognized as, fencing materials such as: wrought iron or other decorative metals suitable for the construction of fences, masonry, concrete, stone, metal tubing, wood planks, and vinyl or
fiberglass composite manufactured specifically as fencing materials that are approved by the
Administrative Officer.
b) Chain link fences shall not be permitted between a street and a principal structure
501.012 – Corner Lots and Double-Frontage Lots– In the event a property is situated adjacent to two (2) or more streets, the following shall apply:
a) Setback and height requirements of Sections 501.012 to 501.014 shall apply to all streets.
501.013 – Electric and Barbed Wire Fences – Electric and barbed wire fences shall be prohibited unless otherwise permitted by Section 971.03 of the Ohio Revised Code.