How to Get a Fence Permit in Perry Township, OH

This article covers how to get a permit for building a fence in Perry Township in Franklin County, Ohio. Please note that we will try to keep this information up to date but we do not represent Perry Township.

For fences you only need to obtain a zoning permit from Perry Township. No additional certificate or permit is required from Franklin County.

How to get a fence permit in Perry Township in Franklin County, Ohio?

Submit an Application for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance

Complete the online application through the Perry Township Permit Portal. Attach a site plan drawn to scale to your application.

Fees for Fence Permit:

The fence permit fee is $50 for residential and $100 for all others.

If you have questions about permits:

From the Zoning Page of the Perry Township website:

Please call the Zoning Department at 614-889-1211 or email Zoning Inspector Keith Hamilton at [email protected] with questions or to make an appointment for a permit. The Zoning Inspector’s hours are Mon, Wed, & Fri, 8A-12P. Please leave a message if you call outside of these hours. We recommend calling to schedule an appointment to ensure he will be available to assist you.

Where to file the application:

Permits can be submitted online through the Perry Township Permit Portal, as mentioned above.

The administrative office is located at:

7125 Sawmill Road
Dublin, OH 43016

Office for Perry Township in Franklin County, Ohio
Offices for Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio

Perry Township Fence Regulations

You can view the Development Standards for Fences at:

The following are the sections of the Perry Township Zoning Code relevant to fence installation.

502.03 Regulations – Fences, Walls, and Hedges. No fence, wall or hedge shall be erected without the issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Applications for such permit shall include plans and drawings showing the actual and accurate shape and dimensions of the property upon which the fence, wall or hedge is to be erected; the exact height, location, length, type of material and type of construction of such proposed fence; the location of the buildings on the lot; or any such other information as deemed necessary for such permit.

1) No fence, wall or hedge or other landscaping plantings or materials shall be located within any easement, floodplain, floodway, drainage easement, or apparent drainage course for any parcel or subdivision which would be detrimental to the public health safety and welfare. 

2) No fence, wall or hedge or landscape plantings or materials shall be located in any public right of way. No fence, wall or hedge or landscape plantings or materials shall be located so as to adversely affect the vision of drivers on the public streets or from driveways intersecting public streets. In addition, no fence, wall, hedge, plantings or landscape plantings or materials shall visibly obscure, hide, or screen fire hydrants, street address numbering, or other security or emergency service equipment, controls or components. 

3) The height of a fence, wall, or hedge shall be measured from the established grade line to the highest point of the fence including fence posts and finials. Any light fixture placed on a pier or post may not exceed a height of one (1) foot. The height may not be artificially increased by the use of mounding unless otherwise required by the zoning district regulations.

4) All fences and walls shall be structurally sound, safe, and properly finished at all times. Fences shall be designed, constructed, and finished so the supporting members thereof shall face the property of the owner of the fence. Ground areas between fences and property lines and between fences shall be kept properly maintained at all times.

5) Setback and height requirements of Section 502.03 shall apply to all public street frontages.

6) No fence, wall or hedge shall be more than six (6) feet in height. Fences, walls and hedges shall not be located between the principal structure and a street with exceptions for the following: a) Fencing, walls or hedges that are specifically designed and used for decorative and/or landscaping purposes may be located in front and/or to the side of the principal structure, provided such decorative and/or landscaping fences, walls or hedges shall not exceed thirty-six (36) inches in height and shall not protrude more than fifteen (15) feet from the front of the principal structure. b) Fencing as required in SECTION 521, SCREENING BY STRUCTURE OR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED. c) Fencing is in accordance with an approved Development Plan of a Planned Development District. Perry Township Zoning Resolution January 6, 2020 Page 84

502.031 Permitted Fencing. The following fence types shall be permitted in required yards as follows:

1) Open fences, partially open fences, and hedges are permitted in any required yard, or along the edge of any yard.

2) Solid fences shall be permitted in all zoning districts and not forward of any front corner of the primary structure. In the case of a corner lot, “front corner” shall mean all corners that face the road

3) Apron fences that are solid wood framed with welded wire fabric shall be permitted in all zoning districts and not forward of any front corner of the primary structure. Maximum height 4′. An example of an apron fence:

4) Vinyl clad, plastic or PVC (poly vinyl chloride) fences in colors black or green used in conjunction with a split rail fence.

502.032 Prohibited Fencing. The following fences shall not be permitted in any zoning district or yard:

1) Fences, walls or other landscaping equipped with or having barbed wire, spikes, sharp points or any similar device or an electrical charge sufficient to cause shock shall be prohibited. In addition, chicken wire, poultry wire or hex netting fence consisting of a galvanized or PVC coated material shall be prohibited except where associated with a swimming pool in the rear yard. This section shall not be construed or applied to prohibit underground invisible fences installed for the purpose of confining pets to property.

2) Open chain link fences except those associated with commercial uses in the SO, NC, CC, CS, Ll, PSC, PHS, PIP districts and approved tennis courts.

502.033 Corner Lots and Double-Frontage Lots. In the event a property is situated adjacent to two (2) or more streets, the following shall apply: a) Setback and height requirements of Sections 502.03 to 502.031 shall apply to all streets.

Map of Perry Township in Franklin County, Ohio

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