How to get a Fence Permit in Worthington Ohio

This article covers how to get a permit for building a fence in Worthington, Ohio. Before starting a fence installation in Worthington, Ohio please check out the guide below.

Please note that we will try to keep this information up to date but we do not represent the City of Worthington.

Where do you get a fence permit in Worthington?

You obtain a fence permit from the Division of Building Regulation.

You can contact them at:

Department of Planning and Building
Division of Building Regulation
374 Highland Avenue, Worthington, OH 43085-2662
Phone: (614) 431-2424

Use the Application for Fence Permit found here.

What information do you need to include?

  • Application form
    • Project address including number and street
    • Name, address and phone number of the property owner.
    • Name, address and phone number of the fence contractor.
  • Drawing requirements (2 Copies)
    • A site plan, drawn to scale, showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot, all buildings on the lot and adjoining lots, and the exact location and length of the proposed fence or wall.
    • A drawing of the fence or wall showing the height, type of materials, and type of construction can be shown on the site plan.

How much does a fence permit cost in Worthington Ohio?

The City of Worthington charges $25 to file an Application for a Fence Permit.

In-person payment of fees will be accepted. Checks can be mailed to pay for permits.

Rules regarding Fences in the Codified Ordinances of the City of Worthington, Ohio

See the complete Codified Ordinances of the City of Worthington, Ohio.

CHAPTER 1180 Fences, Shrubbery and Hedges


(a) Definition. “Fence” and “wall” means any structure composed of wood, metal, stone, brick or other material erected in such a manner and position as to enclose, partially enclose or divide any premises or any part of any premises. Trellises or other structures supporting or for the purpose of supporting vines, flowers or other vegetation when erected in such a position as to enclose, partially enclose or divide any premises or any part of any premises shall also be considered a fence. Solid fences and walls are those fences and walls which have less than forty percent (40%) free or open area. Gates and gate openings shall not be counted as free or open areas when determining whether or not a fence is solid. Hedges and shrubs shall not be considered fences, but are regulated in Section 1180.07.

(b) Permit and Plan. No fence or wall shall be erected in any district until a permit for such purpose has been issued by the Building Inspector. Application for such permit shall be made in writing and shall be accompanied by plans or drawings showing the actual shape and dimension of the lot on which the fence or wall is to be constructed, the exact location, height, length, type of material and type of construction of such proposed fence or wall and the location of all buildings on the lot or on adjoining lots. The fee for a fence or wall permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (Ord. 12-2010. Passed 4-19-10.)

1180.02 “R” DISTRICTS.

(a) In any “R” District, no fence or wall shall be erected in the area between the right of way line and the building setback line except for a wall necessary to accommodate differences in grade. No fence or wall in an “R” district shall exceed a height of six feet.
(Ord. 52-2016. Passed 12-19-16.)

(b) Solid fences and walls shall be constructed of brick, stone, wood or other compatible material as determined by the Building Inspector. No barbed wire fences or a fence having cutting edges of any kind shall be constructed or maintained within this district. Supporting members for walls or fences shall be installed so as not to be visible from any other property which adjoins or faces the fences or walls. This shall not apply to fences with vertical supporting members where the fence is designed to be identical in appearance from either side.
(Ord. 12-2010. Passed 4-19-10.)


In any “AR” or Commercial District, no fence or wall shall be erected in the area between the street line and the building setback line. No fence or wall in an “AR” or Commercial District shall exceed a height of six feet, except fences or walls to screen equipment or dumpsters may extend high enough to completely screen the equipment or dumpsters, but shall not exceed a height of ten feet. Solid fences and walls shall be constructed of brick, stone or wood. No barbed wire fences or a fence having cutting edges of any kind shall be constructed or maintained within this district. (Ord. 12-2010. Passed 4-19-10.)


In any Industrial District, no fence or wall shall be erected in the area between the street line and the building setback line. No fence or wall in an Industrial District shall exceed a height of ten feet. Fences constructed in an Industrial District shall be of chain link or masonry construction except junk storage and junk sales yards shall be fenced with a solid fence of brick construction to a height of not less than ten feet. (Ord. 12-2010. Passed 4-19-10.)


No fence in any district in the City shall be electrified. Fences for swimming pools shall be in accordance with Chapter 1325.
(Ord. 12-2010. Passed 4-19-10.)


It shall be the duty of each property owner to determine property lines and to ascertain that the fence thus constructed does not deviate from the plans as approved by the Building Inspector, and the fence does not encroach upon another lot or parcel of land. The City shall furnish such inspection as is deemed necessary to determine that the fence is constructed in accordance with plans submitted for the permit as outlined in Section 1180.01(b). However, the issuance of the permit by the City shall not be construed to mean the City has determined the fence is not encroaching upon another lot, nor shall it relieve the property owner of the duty imposed upon him herein. (Ord. 12-2010. Passed 4-19-10.)

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