How to get a fence permit in Canal Winchester, Ohio
This article covers how to get a permit for building a fence in Canal Winchester, Ohio. Please note that we try to keep this information up to date, but we do not represent the City of Canal Winchester.
For fences you only need to obtain a Fence Permit from the City of Canal Winchester.

How to get a fence permit in Canal Winchester, Ohio?
Complete a Fence Permit Application
Complete the Application, which you can find here. Attach a current plot map showing the location of the proposed fence along with an elevation of the proposed fence, indicating the fence height.
Fees for Fence Permit:
$25 (residential) – for updated information see the Fee Schedule.
Where to file the application:
File the application in person at the following address:
Planning and Zoning
36 S. High Street
Canal Winchester, Ohio 43110
Where to ask a question?
You can contact Planning and Zoning staff at (614) 837-6742 or visit the Zoning and Zoning division at:

Summary of Canal Winchester Fencing Regulations
The following types of fences are not permitted:
- Barbed wire fences may on be used to top commercial or industrial security fences.
- Electrically charged fences not allowed.
- Guard rails as fencing not allowed.
- Chain link fences shall not be permitted within front set backs or side set backs abutting streets.
Height of fencing:
- No fence over thirty-six (36) inches in height shall be located in a front yard beyond the front of the structure.
- Maximum height of fencing in residential areas is six (6) feet.
- Maximum height of fencing in a commercial district, fencing is (10) feet in height.
Canal Winchester Ohio Fence Regulations
The following is the sections of the City of Canal Winchester Zoning Code relevant to fence installation.
(a) Electrically Charged Fences Prohibited. Electrically charged fences
shall be forbidden in all districts except on sites of more than ten (10) acres
used to confine livestock.
(b) Use of Barbed Wire. Barbed wire may be used only to top standard
security fences in commercial and industrial districts at a height of six (6)
feet or greater, the supports for such barbed wire shall be either vertical or
lean inward above the property of the owner of the fence. Lands used for
agricultural purposes, meeting the requirements of this Code, shall be exempt
from this provision.
(c) Decorative Fences Required. Only decorative fences shall be
constructed in front set backs or side set backs abutting streets. Decorative
fences shall mean split rail, ornamental iron, vinyl, or other decorative
wooden fences as approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
(d) Chain Link Prohibited. Chain link fences shall not be permitted
within front set backs or side set backs abutting streets in any district,
except by variance granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(e) Guard Rails Prohibited. Guard rails shall not be used as fencing.
(f) Location in Front Setbacks. Fences and hedges in front set backs and/
or side set backs abutting streets and alleys in any district shall not exceed
three (3) feet in height and shall not obstruct the view of pedestrians or
vehicular traffic or be detrimental to the public safety.
(g) Fencing Agricultural Uses. Lands used for agricultural purposes, meeting the requirements of this Code, shall not place any fence used for the confinement of said use closer than fifteen (15) feet from any public right-of-way or private street.
(h) Height Restriction in Rear and Side Yards. Fences in rear set backs and side setbacks not abutting streets and alleys shall not exceed six (6) feet in height in residential districts or twelve (12) feet in height commercial or industrial districts.
(i) Permit Required. No fence shall hereafter be erected, constructed, altered, relocated or rebuilt until an application has been filed with and a permit issued by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
(j) Exemptions for Temporary Fences. The following temporary fences shall be exempt from the provisions of this section:
(1) Temporary construction fences when such fence is indicated on an approved site plan.
(2) Temporary fences used for Special Events and shown on an approved plot plan for said event.
(3) Temporary snow fence installed by any Government agency.
(4) Temporary fences installed for the protection of the public from any obvious danger.
(Ord. 41-01. Passed 8-20-01.)