Fence Permit Granville Ohio

This article covers how to get a permit for building a fence in Granville, Ohio. Before contacting a fence company in Granville, Ohio please check out the guide below.

Please note that we will try to keep this information up to date but we do not represent the Village of Granville.

Where do you get a fence permit in Granville?

You obtain a Zoning Permit from the Village of Granville Planning and Zoning Department.

You can contact the Planning and Zoning Department at:

Planning & Zoning Department
Debi Walker-Yost, Village Planner
141 East Broadway
Granville, Ohio 43023
(740) 587-3997 (Phone); (740) 587-0128 (Fax)
email: [email protected]

Use the Zoning Permit Application found here.

Include the following information with the application:

Zoning Permit Requirements (Chapter 1161.03)

Upon application for a Zoning Permit, the applicant MUST ATTACH AND INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING (unless otherwise directed by the Village Planner):

a. Site Plan (See Appendix B for example) drawn to scale, which includes:

  1. Lot plat/site plan showing existing and proposed structures
    (including adjacent neighbors)
  2. Total square footage of floor area (footprint)
  3. North arrow
  4. Lot size with distances in feet between all structures and all
    property lines

b. Drawing of proposed project with dimensions: height, width, and distance (Blueprints, if applicable).

c. Elevations of structure(s) (all views of the building with proposed included, Sample Appendix C).

d. List of Materials to be used (Samples are helpful if available).

e. All fees are due at the time of application; otherwise the application is not complete (Chapter 1137.06).

f. Planning Commission review requires eleven (11) copies of the completed application and all materials submitted.

How much does a fence permit cost in Granville Ohio?

The fee for review of a Zoning Permit Application to build a fence in Granville is $50.

You can see the Village of Granville Zoning Fees here.

Sections of of the Village of Granville Planning and Zoning Code relevant to Fences

You can see the complete Planning and Zoning Code here.

CHAPTER 1157 General Zoning Regulations


On any corner lot in all zoning districts, no fence, structure or planting shall be erected or maintained within twenty-five feet of the corner (the point of intersection of the right-of-way
lines), which interferes with traffic visibility across the corner.

CHAPTER 1159 Village District


In addition to requirements imposed by Chapter 1161 and any other requirements of this
Zoning Ordinance, and as a prerequisite to the issuance of a Zoning Permit in the Village District, new construction, exterior modifications and structural alterations to existing buildings in the Village District shall be permitted only upon application and approval of a site plan submitted in accordance with this section.

(b) Site plan requirements for any exterior modification or structural alteration of any
existing structure.

(1) A site plan, unless waived by the Planning Commission, is required, drawn to scale, illustrating the existing site in question; all surrounding buildings, all buildings on adjacent lots, and the proposed structural or exterior changes, including any changes in parking layout, landscaping, screening, fences, walkways, signs and other relevant structures and fixtures shall be shown. In addition, the relationship to surrounding structures, elevations showing the proposed changes, and a description or sample of materials to be used for this project may be required as described below.

CHAPTER 1187 Height, Area and Yard Modifications


(b) Fences, Walls and Hedges.

(1) Intent. It is the intent of this Fence Code to regulate the placement of fencing, walls or any combination thereof within the front, side, and rear yards of any property within the Village. It is further the purpose of this Code to maintain clear visibility of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on adjacent streets, alleys, and sidewalks that may otherwise be affected by fencing and/or wall locations and heights; to maintain an orderly appearance and reduce any negative impact upon other properties where such fencing or walls are directly visible from and adjacent to, public streets; and, therefore, to regulate the location, height, material composition, landscaping, and overall general fence characteristics.

(2) Front Yard Restrictions. No person shall erect any fence or wall in the Village between the front yard setback line and the street; with the exception that decorative landscaping walls and fences which do not exceed forty-two inches (42″) in height above ground level may be
allowed. This type of fence must meet the following requirements:

(a) That the proposed decorative landscape wall or fence is compatible with other similar structures in the neighborhood.

(b) That the height of said fence or wall does not exceed forty-two inches (42″) in height when measured from the average grade of the yard where the fence or wall is to be installed. Artificially raising the height of the lot line by the use of mounding, retaining walls, or similar means shall be included in the forty-two inch (42″) maximum height.

(c) The installation of such fence and/or wall shall not create a visibility or safety concern for vehicular and/or pedestrian movement.

(d) That no chain link, wire mesh, concrete block, or other similar type material can be installed fronting a street as a decorative landscape wall or fence.

(3) Side and Rear Yard Restrictions. No fence, wall, or combination thereof shall exceed seventy-two inches (72″) in height as measured from the average grade of that portion of the lot in the rear or side yards. No side yard fence shall extend beyond the front setback line of the house. Artificially raising the height of the lot line by the use of mounding, retaining walls, or similar means shall be included within the seventy-two (72″) maximum height restriction. Any fence or wall erected along the side or rear property lines must have the finished and not the structural side facing the neighboring property, alley, or street.

(4) Corner Lots. No fence, wall, or combination thereof shall exceed forty-two inches (42″) in height in the side yard setback area as it faces a public or private street. Fencing or walls exceeding forty-two inches (42″) in height but in no case higher than seventy-two inches (72″) as measured from the average grade may be allowed. This type of fence must meet the following requirements:

(a) That the proposed side yard fence or wall on the street side of a corner lot exceeding forty-two inches (42″) in height is compatible with other similar structures in the neighborhood.

(b) That the height of such fence or wall shall not exceed seventy-two inches (72″) in height; artificially raising the height of the lot line by the use of mounding, retaining walls, or similar means shall be included within the seventy-two inch maximum height.

(c) The installation of such fence or wall shall not create a visibility
or safety concern for vehicular and/or pedestrian movement.

(5) Prohibited Fences. No person shall erect or maintain anywhere in the Village a fence or wall equipped with or having barbed wire, spikes, sharp points, or any similar device or an electrical charge sufficient to cause shock except, as part of an agricultural operation or for safety ad protection of individuals from hazard, such as electric substations.

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