This article covers how to get a permit for building a fence in Bexley,Ohio. Please note that we will try to keep this information up to date but we do not represent City of Bexley.
For fences you only need to obtain a permit from the City of Bexley. No additional certificate or permit is required from Franklin County.
How to get a fence permit in Bexley Ohio?
Complete an Application for a Residential Fence Permit
Complete the Application online here.
Fees for Fence Permit:
Where to file the application:
You can only submit the application online.
Where to ask a question?
The Building Department for the City of Bexley is located at:
2242 East Main Street
Bexley, Ohio 43209
(614) 559-4240
Check the Building Department webpage for email addresses of their personnel.
Summary of Bexley Ohio Fencing Regulations
The following type of fences are not allowed:
Barbed wire (or similar) fences and electric fences are prohibited.
Height of fencing:
- Fences in rear yards are limited to 6 feet in height. Posts, columns and finials may be taller than 6 feet.
- Fences in front yards limited to 24 inches in height.
- Decorative fencing in a front yard may be up to 42 inches in height with a special permit.
- No fence shall exceed forty-eight inches in height in the side yard setback area as it faces a public or private street.
Construction of fence:
- Any fence or wall erected along the front set back line, side or rear property lines must have the finished and not the structural side facing the adjacent property, or street.
City of Bexley Fence Regulations
The following are the sections of the City of Bexley Code of Ordinances relevant to fence installation.
1264.01 Intent
1264.02 Front yard restrictions
1264.03 Side and rear yard restrictions
1264.04 Fences adjacent to commercial districts
1264.05 Required commercial fences adjacent to residential districts
1264.06 Prohibited fences
1264.07 Non-conforming fences
1264.08 Variances
1264.09 Permit required; fee
1264.11 Violations; Equitable Remedy
1264.10 Penalty
1264.01 INTENT
It is hereby declared to be the intent of this chapter to regulate the placement of fencing, walls or any combination thereof within the front, side and rear yards of any property within residential zoning districts. This chapter also establishes requirements for installation of fencing in association with commercial uses for the purposes of screening such uses from adjacent residential uses. It is further the purpose of this chapter to maintain clear visibility of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on adjacent streets, alleys and sidewalks that may otherwise be affected by fencing and/or wall locations and heights; to maintain an orderly appearance and reduce any negative impact upon other properties where such fencing or walls are directly visible from and adjacent to public streets; and, therefore, to regulate the location, height and material composition of fences, landscaping and overall general fence characteristics.
No person shall erect any fence or wall in any residential zoning district, between the front yard setback line and the street. Except with the following exceptions:
(a) Fences or walls which do not comply with this section may be allowed if approved
as part of a detailed development plan for a Planned Unit Development District;
(b) Decorative landscaping walls and fences which do not exceed twenty-four inches in
height above ground level may be allowed after review in accordance with subsections (c)(1) through (c)(5) hereof, and issuance of a permit by the Building Department; and
(c) Decorative landscaping walls and fences which exceed twenty-four inches in
height above ground level but not more than forty-two inches above ground level
may be allowed with a special permit from the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Board of Zoning and Planning shall consider the following criteria in reviewing such applications:
(1) The proposed decorative landscape wall or fence is compatible with other
properties in the neighborhood.
(2) The height of the fence or wall does not exceed the size permitted as above
when measured from the average grade of the yard where the fence or wall
is to be installed. Artificially raising the height of the lot line by the use of mounding, retaining walls or similar means shall be included in the maximum height.
(3) Posts, columns and finials may extend up to 6” above the maximum allowed
height of the fence panels.
(4) A landscaping plan shall be filed with the application indicating how such
fencing and/or wall is to be integrated with existing front yard landscaping.
(5) The installation of such fence and/or wall shall not create a visibility or
safety concern for vehicular and/or pedestrian movement.
(6) No chain link, wire mesh, concrete block or other similar type material shall
be installed as a decorative landscape wall or fence.
(7) The fence and/or wall shall have a minimum of 50% transparency.
(8) That the lot exhibits unique characteristics that support the increase in
fence height.
No person shall erect any fence or wall in any residential zoning district, unless such fence or wall meets the following requirements, or is located within a Planned Unit Development District and is part of the detailed development plan approved by Council pursuant to Section 1256:
(a) Interior Lots. No fence, wall or combination thereof shall exceed seventy-two
inches in height as measured from the average grade of that portion of the lot in
the rear or side yard. No side yard fence shall extend beyond the front set-back
line or the existing front building façade, whichever is greater. Artificially raising
the height of the lot line by the use of mounding, retaining walls or similar means
shall be included within the seventy-two inch maximum height restriction. Any
fence or wall erected along the front set back line, side or rear property lines
must have the finished and not the structural side facing the adjacent property,
or street. Interior lots having rear lot lines coincident with alley right-of-way
shall be permitted to place the structural side of the fence facing the alley right of
way. Chain link, wire mesh or other similar material allowed only along interior
lot lines and along rear lot lines coincident with alley right-of-way.
(b) Corner Lots. No fence, wall or combination thereof shall exceed forty-eight inches in height in the side yard setback area as it faces a public or private street. Any fence or wall erected on a lot located at the intersection of two or more streets must have the finished and not the structural side facing the adjacent property, alley or street.
Fencing or walls exceeding forty-eight inches in height, as measured from the
average grade, may be allowed with a special permit from the Board of Zoning and
Planning. The Board shall consider the following criteria in reviewing such applications:
(1) The proposed side yard fence or wall exceeding forty-eight inches in height and on the street side of a corner lot is compatible with other properties in the neighborhood.
(2) The maximum height of such fence or wall shall not exceed seventy-two inches as measured from the average grade, as defined in Section 1230.06. Artificially raising the height of the lot line by the use of mounding, retaining walls or similar means shall be included within the seventy-two inch maximum height.
(3) Fences exceeding forty-eight inches in height should include transparency
in the upper 12” to 18” of the fence through the use of latticework, pickets, or other appropriate design elements.
(4) A landscaping plan must be filed with the application for a special permit,
indicating how such fencing or wall is to be screened from the street side elevation. The landscape plan should be designed in such a way as to mitigate the impact of a solid fence or wall as it relates to the street and other properties.
(5) The installation of such fence or wall shall not create a visibility or safety concern for vehicular and/or pedestrian movement.
(6) No chain link, wire mesh or other similar material shall be installed on lot lines adjacent to public rights-of-way.
For residential lots abutting a commercial zoning district, no fence, wall or combination
thereof shall exceed ninety-six inches in height along that abutting side, as measured from the average grade of that portion of the lot in the rear or side yard. Artificially raising the height of the lot line by the use of mounding, retaining walls or similar means shall be included within the ninety-six-inch maximum height restriction.
(a) Side yard fence shall be allowed to extend beyond the front set-back line of the
house if adjacent to paved vehicular service areas including parking lots and service drives. Any fence or wall erected along the side or rear property lines must have the finished and not the structural side facing the adjacent property.
(b) The installation of such fence or wall shall not create a visibility or safety concern
for vehicular and/or pedestrian movement.
For commercial uses abutting a residential zoning district, a fence, wall or combination thereof shall be installed along the lot line of adjacency except as otherwise determined for adjacent uses contained in the same Planned Unit Development District. Commercial uses with residential zoning districts located directly across a public alley must also meet this requirement along the interior alley line, subject to sight triangle requirements required by the City Building Department.
(a) The height shall be ninety-six inches, as measured from the average grade of that portion of the lot.
(b) Any fence or wall erected along the property lines of the commercial use must have the finished and not the structural side facing the adjacent property.
(c) The installation of such fence or wall shall not create a visibility or safety concern for vehicular and/or pedestrian movement.
(d) No chain link, wire mesh or other similar material shall be installed.
(e) The fence design shall be 100-percent opaque from any viewing angle, and
approved by the Building Department.
In-ground fences, installed underground and typically for the purpose of limiting the
movement of pets, shall at no point be no closer than 8 feet to the innermost sidewalk edge or 10 feet from the roadway edge on any lot frontage with no sidewalk.
No person shall erect or maintain anywhere in the City a fence or wall equipped with or having barbed wire, spikes, sharp points or any similar device or an electrical charge sufficient to cause shock.
Any non-conforming fence may be repaired like-for-like in height, location and material, up to 50% of the overall linear footage of any the total non-conforming section. Building
Department staff can approve repair to a non-conforming fence under that criteria and the provision of an adequate landscape screening plan.
The Board of Zoning and Planning shall have the authority to hear the requests for variances from the provisions of this chapter. Variances may be granted only where unique characteristics of the property created an unnecessary hardship. Variance requests shall be filed in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Board.
No person shall erect a fence or wall that complies with the provisions of this chapter until a construction permit for the same has been issued by the City, the cost of such permit to be as provided in Section 244.01. Repair or replacement of fifty percent (50%) or more of an existing fence, as defined by repair or replacement of over half of the fencing panels, shall be deemed to be construction of a new fence and requires a construction permit. The filing fee for a special permit or variance application shall be as set forth in Section 244.01 of the Administrative Code, which fee is in addition to the fence construction fee. By issuance of a permit, the City does not warrant the location of property lines. The burden of certifying the location of property lines shall be borne by the property owner constructing the fence and/or wall.