This article covers how to get a permit for building a fence in Whitehall, Ohio. Before hiring a fence company in Whitehall please check out the guide below.
Please note that we will try to keep this information up to date but we do not represent the City of Whitehall.
How to get a fence permit in Whitehall Ohio?
Complete an Application for Fence Zoning Permit
You can find the application here.
You must attach to your application a drawing which includes:
- where the fence is placed on the property,
- the shape of the fence, and
- materials being used.
Fees for Fence Permit:
$100 for residential. $15 minimum plus $1 per post for commercial.
Where to file the application:
You can submit the application in person at:
Building Department
360 S. Yearling Road,
Whitehall, OH 43213
You can also file via email via [email protected]. Follow the instructions found at
Where to ask a question?
Call the Building Department at (614) 237-8612.

Summary of Whitehall Ohio Fencing Regulations
Height of fencing:
- Fences in the front yard or side yard limited to 48 inches.
- Fences in the rear yard limited to 7 feet in height, unless adjacent to front or side yard of adjacent lot.
Construction of fences:
- No barbed wire or electric fences allowed.
- Fences shall be constructed of wood, vinyl or vinyl clad material, metal, iron, stone, block and brick.
Whitehall Ohio Fence Regulations
The City of Whitehall website does not have a correct link to the Whitehall Zoning Code. Here is a link to the sections of the Whiltehall Zoning Code relevant to fence installation.
(a) Definition. “Fence” means an artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose, screen or separate areas.
(b) The setback and yard requirements of this Zoning Code shall not apply to any retaining wall which is less than three (3) feet high. Fences in any residential or apartment district shall not be more than forty-eight (48) inches in height in the front yard and/or side yard of the lot, nor more than seven (7) feet high in the rear yard of a lot; however, where the rear yard of the lot abuts the front yard and/or side yard of an adjacent lot, the height of the fence shall be no more than forty-eight (48) inches high adjacent to that front and/or side yard. Fences in front yards in any residential or apartment district shall not be more than fifty percent (50%) opaque, when viewed at right angles of the vertical plane (the area within a rectangular outline enclosing all parts of the fence in its vertical plane). Any fence erected in an industrial or commercially zoned area shall be no more than eight (8) feet high.
(c) Fences shall be constructed of wood, vinyl or vinyl clad material, metal, iron, stone, block and brick. Chain link fences shall have posts installed twenty-four (24) inches in the ground and embedded in concrete. All other fences shall have posts installed thirty-two (32) inches in the ground and embedded in concrete. Any fence constructed of material or a combination of materials not in conformance with this code shall be prohibited.
(d) On any corner lot there shall be no planting, structures, fences, shrubbery or obstruction to vision more than three feet higher than the curb level within twenty-five feet of the intersection of any two street lines in any district where said planting, structure, fences, shrubbery or obstruction to vision presents a safety hazard to traffic or pedestrians.
(e) No fence or wall shall be erected, constructed or replace in any district until a permit for such purpose has been issued by the Building Inspector.* Application for a fence permit shall be made in writing on such form as provided by the Department of Public Service. The application shall be accompanied by plans and/or drawings showing: the actual shape and dimension of the lot on which the fence or wall is to be constructed; the location of the property lines of the lot, with all adjoining parcels of land; the location of the City right-of-way and all recorded easements; the location of all buildings on the lot and adjoining lots; and the exact location, height, length, type of material and type of construction of the proposed fence or wall. A survey suitable for erection of fences or walls, showing the location of adjoining parcels of land, shall also be furnished if requested by the Department of Public Service.
(f) No fence or wall shall be erected, constructed or replaced upon any City right-of- way.
(g) No fence or wall having wire, metal prongs, spikes, slats, cutting points or edges such as barbed wire shall be erected, constructed or replaced in any district and no fence or wall in any zoning district shall be electrified.
(h) The fee for a fence permit is stated in Section 1303.05 (i). Such fees shall be deposited in the General Fund by the Building Inspector.
(i) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. The City or the Court may further order that the unlawful fence or wall be removed. Each day that a violation of this section continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
- Replacement of any items other than posts do not require a permit.
(Ord. 72-09. Passed 12-15-09.)