Why You Need a Fence Kickboard

Are you looking to enhance the durability and stability of your fence? If so, then you need a fence kickboard!

A fence kickboard is a crucial component that can provide numerous benefits and ensure the longevity of your fence.

So, what exactly is a kickboard? Well, it is a horizontal board that is installed at the bottom of your fence, right above the ground. Its primary purpose is to protect the fence from environmental factors, such as moisture, pests, and rot.

You will also find a kickboard referred to as a rot board, gravel board or weed board.

By adding a kickboard to your fence, you can significantly increase its strength and stability. It acts as a supportive barrier, preventing the fence panels from shifting or sagging over time. This is especially important if you have pets or children who may apply pressure to the fence.

When choosing a kickboard material, you should consider factors such as durability, weather resistance, and maintenance requirements. Popular options include treated wood, and composite materials.

Investing in a fence kickboard is a wise decision that will protect your fence and ensure its longevity. So why wait? Upgrade your fence today and enjoy the benefits of a kickboard!

Key Takeaways

  • Fence kickboards enhance the durability and stability of a fence.
  • They protect the fence from moisture, pests, and rot, increasing its longevity.
  • Kickboards prevent dogs and wildlife from digging under the fence, keeping pets and critters out of the garden.
  • Properly securing kickboard panels to the fence posts and selecting the right material ensures strength and stability.

The Purpose of a Fence Kickboard

You need a fence kickboard to protect your beloved garden from being trampled by those pesky critters. A fence kickboard, also known as a rot board, is a wooden board that’s installed at the bottom of a fence, directly above the ground. Its purpose is to provide extra protection to your fence from ground contact and prevent rotting.

A kickboard acts as a barrier between the soil and the wooden fence, keeping it elevated and away from moisture, which can cause decay. It also helps to prevent rodents and other small animals from burrowing under the fence and entering your garden. By installing a kickboard, you can ensure that your fence remains sturdy and intact for years to come.

When choosing materials for your kickboard, it’s important to select a durable and weather-resistant wood, such as cedar or pressure-treated lumber. These materials are known for their longevity and ability to withstand outdoor conditions. Additionally, make sure to properly secure the kickboard to the fence posts to ensure that it stays in place.

A fence kickboard is essential for protecting your garden and prolonging the life of your wooden fence. It provides an extra layer of defense against ground contact, preventing rot and keeping critters at bay. Invest in a kickboard during your fence installation to ensure long-lasting protection for your beloved garden.

Benefits of a Kickboard

If you want to protect your fence from moisture and rot, a kickboard is essential. It acts as a barrier, preventing water from seeping into the lower portion of the fence where it can cause damage over time.

Another benefit of a kickboard is that it’s easily replaceable, allowing you to maintain the integrity of your fence without having to replace the entire structure.

Additionally, a kickboard can prevent dogs and wildlife from digging under the fence, keeping them safely within your property.

Protecting Your Fence from Moisture and Rot

To safeguard your fence against moisture and rot, it’s crucial to consider installing a fence kickboard.

A rot board, also known as a kickboard, is a pressure treated wood panel that is installed at the bottom of your fence. By elevating the wood panels above ground contact, a kickboard acts as a barrier against moisture, preventing it from seeping into the fence posts and causing rot.

Moisture is one of the main culprits behind fence deterioration, and a kickboard provides an extra layer of protection. Not only does it shield your fence from environmental factors, but it also adds an aesthetic appeal by giving your fence a polished and finished look.

So, when it comes to protecting your fence and prolonging its lifespan, don’t overlook the importance of installing a fence kickboard.

Easily Replaceable

Installing a fence kickboard not only protects your fence from moisture and rot, but it also offers the convenience of easily replaceable panels.

The kickboard, also known as a rot board or bottom board, is typically made of durable wood like redwood. When you install the kickboard at the bottom of your existing fence, it acts as a barrier between the ground and the fence panels. By doing so, it prevents moisture from seeping into the wood and causing rot.

However, if any of the kickboard panels do get damaged or worn out over time, you can easily replace them without having to tear down the entire fence. This feature makes maintaining your fences much simpler and more cost-effective in the long run.

Prevents Dogs and Wildlife from Digging

Keep your furry friends safe and your garden intact with a fence kickboard. This sturdy barrier prevents dogs and wildlife from digging up your backyard oasis.

The kickboard, installed at the bottom of your fence, acts as a deterrent, keeping your pets and the local critters from wreaking havoc on your carefully cultivated space. Dogs, known for their curious nature and love of digging, can quickly turn your fence into a messy excavation site.

With the fence kickboard in place, you can rest easy knowing that your plants and flowers are protected. Additionally, wildlife such as raccoons and rabbits are less likely to venture into your yard if they’re unable to dig or squeeze under your fence.

Invest in a fence kickboard to create a safe and secure environment for both your pets and your garden.

Enhancing the Stability and Strength of Your Fence

Ensure the durability and sturdiness of your fence by adding a kickboard. This will provide extra support and prevent it from sagging or leaning. When initially installed, fences may not have a kickboard or rot board at the bottom, leaving them vulnerable to damage over time.

By installing a kickboard, you can enhance the stability and strength of your fence, ensuring its longevity. A kickboard, also known as a rot board, is typically made of roughsawn or smooth lumber and is attached to the baseboard of your existing fence. It acts as a barrier between the fence and the ground, protecting it from moisture and preventing rot. This is especially important if your property has a slope, as water runoff can weaken the fence over time.

Adding a kickboard to your fence is a straightforward process. Start by measuring the length of your fence and cut the kickboard accordingly. Then, attach it securely to the baseboard using nails or screws. Make sure the kickboard is level and aligned with the rest of the fence.

By incorporating a kickboard into your fence, you can effectively enhance its stability and strength. Not only will it provide extra support, but it will also protect the bottom of your fence from rot and damage caused by wildlife or pets. So, invest in a kickboard today and ensure the long-lasting beauty and functionality of your fence.

Choosing the Right Kickboard Material

When it comes to selecting the perfect material for your kickboard, it’s crucial to consider factors such as durability, resistance to moisture, and overall aesthetic appeal.

The kickboard, also known as the rot board or bottom rail, is an essential component of your wood fence installation. It plays a significant role in enhancing the stability and strength of your fence, as it protects the bottom part from rotting and decay.

There are different types of materials you can choose from for your kickboard:

Pressure Treated Wood

The most popular option is pressure-treated wood. This material is known for its durability and resistance to moisture, making it an excellent choice for outdoor use.


Another option is composite board, which offers the same benefits as pressure-treated wood but with added aesthetic appeal. It can be customized to match the look of your fence and garden.

When selecting a material for your kickboard, it’s essential to consider the type of posts you have and the overall style of your fence. The material should complement the rest of the fence and blend seamlessly with its surroundings.

By choosing the right kickboard material, you can ensure the longevity and strength of your fence while adding an attractive touch to your outdoor space.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a fence kickboard cost?

A fence kickboard can cost anywhere from $10 to $30 per linear foot, depending on the material and quality. It’s important to consider your budget and the durability you desire before purchasing one.

Can I install a kickboard on an existing fence?

Yes, you can install a kickboard on an existing fence. It helps to protect the bottom of the fence from damage and adds stability. Make sure to measure and cut the kickboard to fit properly.

Are there different sizes available for fence kickboards?

Yes, there are different sizes available for fence kickboards. You can choose the size that best fits your fence.

Will a kickboard prevent small animals from entering my yard?

Yes, a kickboard will help prevent small animals from entering your yard. It acts as a barrier, making it difficult for them to squeeze through the gaps in the fence.

Can a kickboard be painted or stained to match the color of my fence?

Yes, you can paint or stain a kickboard to match the color of your fence. This allows you to customize the look of your fence and make it cohesive with the rest of your outdoor space.


So, now you know why you need a fence kickboard. It serves several purposes, such as preventing damage from moisture, keeping out pests, and adding a decorative element to your fence.

With a kickboard, you can enhance the stability and strength of your fence, making it last longer and withstand various weather conditions. Just remember to choose the right kickboard material that suits your needs and budget.

So go ahead and invest in a kickboard for your fence, and enjoy the many benefits it provides.

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